Dinette Table

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I was at the Toronto Boat show this weekend looking at the new boats and dreaming of warmer weather (it's blowing snow right now and we're expecting 5 to 10 cm tonight).

I was aboard the C35.5 and I was looking at the dinette table that they have installed in the newer models these days.  It's a square table and the four corners fold in and sit on top of the table to form a cocktail table and of course unfold to form your full table.  (You can see the table on the Catalina web site)

So I started thinking that, that table would be a nice upgrade for my 1989 C34.  But as the day went on I started to think (ok, my better-half started thinking) and we realized that out mast that is keel stepped would probably interfere with one of the corners and not allow it to unfold completely.

I would actually have to start doing some measuring to confirm this, but I thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone else has examined this possibility.


Ron Hill

dod : There are a "zillion" modifications to that dinette table.
Literally as many as there are hulls produced!!
They are in the posts here on the MB and in the tech Mainsheet notes and Projects.  Look at them all and pick the one you like!!

Probably the most frequently made dinette table mod, is to make a drop leaf on the galley end of the table.  This gives you access to the starboard side sliding and shelf storage, but still allows you to have the large size of the table(when needed). 

Your choice  :thumb:

Ron, Apache #788

Clay Greene

Isn't that new Catalina table great?  We saw it on the 445 at a boat show and were similarly inspired.  We had the same problem as you, however - couldn't see a way to make it fit with the mast in the way.  Moving the mast forward so that the compression post comes down by the bulkhead really opens up the salon in the 355 and 445.  So, we compromised and designed a table with two leaves that fold out bow and stern (see below, hopefully I can get it to work).  The smaller table in the salon is a great improvement - it makes the salon seem bigger without the white behemoth table that it replaced and now you can actually get around the table without two gymnastic moves.

1989, Hull #873, "Serendipity," M25XP, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Michael Shaner

The quality of the joinery littering the message board as of late is simply unbelievable...
Michael & Alison Shaner

Dave Spencer

We too were at the Toronto Boat Show (twice) and inspected the 355.  Fortunately, we much prefer our new-to-us C34 Mk1.5 although we did look with envy at the dinette table and at the port lazarette that was big enough to house a small family in comfort.
Our previous owner did a nice job making a smaller table that will meet 99% of our needs.  I suspect the "white behemoth" will find a dark corner in our basement and stay there.
I agree with your comment on the joinery.  Lazybones hatch screens and claygr's table are impressive.

Dave Spencer
C34 #1279  "Good Idea"
Mk 1.5, Std Rig, Wing Keel, M35A Engine
Boat - Midland, Ontario (formerly Lion's Head)
People - London, Ontario