New Furler? (an older thread update)

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I was asked today by Profurl if I had a Long or short link plate and what pin size at the tack??? I have a standard rig. Can someone give me the ans. to these two questions so I can order my new furler that is going to make my life a lot easier. Thanks for the help on this one. Ron Scherer

Gene Regan

Do you have the hood 915 ld system ?
      If so you can purchase the upgrade for it from Pompanette LLC. PO Box 1200, Charlestown, New Hampshire, USA 03603, Tel: (603) 826-5791, Fax: (603) 826-4125 .
I worked out a special deal for c34ia members that saved us $100. off the retail price of $699..
       Maybe you should give them a call. before you spend all the money on a complete new system . I purchased mine from them as did some others as well. But if you don't have the old 915 it won't matter. Good luck.


Gene----Thanks for getting back to me on my two ??. This is the first furler that has ever gone on my boat. The man we bought the boat from hanked on all those yrs. I've had enough of that for sure. Being the novice I am I still need to know if I have a long or short link plate and the pin size at the tack. Thanks---Ron S.

Gene Regan

Sorry Ron I do not know the dimension, I looked in the manual but did not find any reference. Perhaps Email Ron Hill , he seems to have a handle on most things like this. Other than calling Catalina its my best advise. Again good luck .
If you have not completed your profile in the database it would be advisable. That way we could all see the specifics about your boat. Check it out . Keep smiling

Stu Jackson


I have the information on my boat.  I'm going there tomorrow.  I'll get back to you.  We bought the LCI32.  The "I", I think, indicates the short or long link plates, but I will look it up.  I had purchased the furler from the rep at a boat show and didn't have it installed until 6 months later.  The local rigger, who must have had a screw loose, took a long time to get some parts from the factory in Florida.  I'll see if I have any notes on that, as to what he needed that he didn't have.

If you want your jib off the deck, you'll most likely be looking at the longer link plates.  That choice, I believe is yours, not mine.  Check the brochure, they show lots of different variations.  I'll take a picture of mine tomorrow also and post it here.

I'll get the pin size from my material on the boat.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


Stu----Thanks for getting back to me. YOU always bail me out on these things and I appreciate your help for sure. I am buying the same furler you have exactly. Do you like it??? I will look forward to your info. on the two ?s I have so I can complete the order on the LCI32. Its sure going to be nice not having to hank on any more. Regards---Ron S.

Stu Jackson


The furler is great.  It replaced an old CDI furler that was rotten both physically and in design.

I bought it because of NO Maintenance.  That is really not true.  You'll need to learn how it is assembled and installed and make sure of a few things.

The set screws on the extrusion need to be installed with lock tite.  The dolt who installed it had to come back a few weeks later to tighten a few that were, fortunately, within reaching distance by standing on the pulpit.  He said, "The guy who installed this shoulda put lock tite on the set screws."  I waited until he was finished before I told him that he'd done it.  It was sooo tempting to just push him into the water while he was still standing on the pulpit!!!

Make sure that the jib halyard is high enough at the top to engage the top plate that holds the top swivel up past the Darth Vader top wrap stop fitting.  If it's not high enough, you could end up scoring the top extrusion and replacing it like I had to do.   Make sure you lubricate the threads of the forestay turnbuckle well before it gets snugged up or you'll not be able to adjust it later.  Make sure that you continue to lubricate the four set screws that hold the bottom assembly onto the forestay.  They're aluminum into titanium.  

When you set your jib on the furler, you'll have to decide whether you want to put a pendant on the top or the bottom, depending on whether you want the sail as a deck sweeper or off the deck.  A lot has to do with the dimensions of your installation and the luff length of your jib.

The installation manual covers all this very well, but it's a good reminder that NOTHING on a boat is really maintenance-free.

Other than that, it really is no maintenance.

Try a search on ProFurl on the board, I've discussed it before.

More tomorrow.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Ron Hill

Ron : To answer your original questions.  You have a short link plate and the pin is the same size as the outer stay pins - I'll guess at 1/2".  :wink:
Ron, Apache #788

Stu Jackson


Separate email sent directly.

Closeup photo of tack fittings here.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


Thanks fellows for all your help on the new furler that was ordered today 1-31-05. It will be a pleasure not having to hank on our sail when we go out sailing I know that. Regards to everyone that pitched in and helped me out, and by the way Stu I will follow your suggestions on the installation process as well. Thanks Ron

Stu Jackson

For Ron Hill - I just picked this thread up on a search for ''CDI'' in response to your email about our furler.  Start with this thread here and then do that search for 'CDI' to get to the other threads I've posted on our furling system.  (You know the drill  :razz: ) Thought this would be easier than retyping the story by having this old thread come up as new again on the board.  Hope this helps, if you need any more details, email me and we can discuss.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."