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Messages - ltower

Main Message Board / Re: Installing Clutches
January 08, 2007, 07:06:47 AM
I took the advice, made a short allen wrench, tightened the loose allen screw, and all is now well with the main halyard rope clutch.  Great!  Been bothering me for awhile.
Main Message Board / Re: Installing Clutches
January 06, 2007, 04:00:54 PM
Has anyone tried to install rope clutches on a Catalina 34 MarkII.  The bolts do not extend into the cabin so not sure how to access them.  Does it require removal of the hatch?

My main halyard rope clutch will not stay open.  Also appears that one allen screw is loose but no room to get allen wrench in there as rope clutch is in middle between two other rope clutches on starboard side.

Any suggestions?
Main Message Board / Re: Whisker Pole
March 24, 2006, 06:37:14 PM
When the whisker pole is stored on the mast, is it in the way of the main sail cover?  Does the main sail cover go over the whisker pole or under it?  I currently do not have a whisker pole, but am considering one for my C34 Mark II.  I'm looking at the 12-22 ft. adjustable aluminum pole, and mast mounting it.  Hence the questions.  Also is theft an issue?  Is there a way to "lock" the pole when not in use?
Main Message Board / Re: Sticky Sliding Hatch Cover
February 18, 2006, 08:32:26 PM
Any further advise on a Sticky Sliding Hatch Cover.  My hull 1594 also has a sticky hatch.  I've used silicon lubicant on the side rails and that seemed to help but not cure the problem.