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Messages - Dutchman

Main Message Board / Right propellor versus speed ??
August 27, 2010, 04:05:41 AM
Dear Catalina owners,
We have a C34MK2, with an Universal 35BC.
My experience:
1800 rmp/min : 5.9 knots (my cruising speed for long distance).....fuel 2.5 ltr/hr
1900 rpm/min: 6.0-6.1 knots
2100 rpm/min: 6.5 knots
2300 rpm = the maximum speed 7.1 knots and is  little below the hull speed ? The swimmingplatform surface is just in the water.

So my I have the right propellor/pitch ??

Please give me your information and experience with your boat.

Best regards,
Ton Eijsermans

Main Message Board / Re: Buying a C34 mk2
October 20, 2008, 07:41:40 AM
Dear All, 

Yesterday we went to the UK and had buy the boat !! In 2 or 3 weeks we will sail her to Holland.
Your advice was very helpful, so thank you very much for it. We found a bit moisture in the deck, but that wouldn't be a problem in the future.
I just need to rebedding all deckmounted parts to prevent it for the future.
Now this winter we update her to our wishes with new navigaitional equipment, air-heater, ect.
You will be seeing me here later I guess..... :thumb:

Ton Eijsermans
Main Message Board / Re: Buying a C34 mk2
October 15, 2008, 12:52:54 PM
Wow, thanks Stu for this fast useful information.
I hope I can decide next sunday, because I really love the C34mk2 (wing-keel).

If someone has more issues for me, please let me know.

Ton Eijsermans
Main Message Board / Buying a C34 mk2
October 15, 2008, 12:24:24 PM
Dear All,
Next sunday I cross the Channel to look for a C34 mk2 (1998).
I only have photo's from the boat and we think we will buy it.
Of course I want to measure the moisture of hull and deck.....
A couple weeks ago we almost buy a c34 mk1, but a surveyor did a moisture measurement on the deck and it was extremely high.
So he advised us not to buy. That's why we look for another C34.
So what are the important things that I have to notice for the mk2, except the moisture?
I saw a littlebit rust in the bilge, around the keelbolts.....and around bolts from the tensioners...

Could someone please advice me??

Ton Eijsermans