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Messages - Holger Dieske

Main Message Board / Re: Windlass Question
January 03, 2023, 11:32:02 PM
Thank you for your help and for the link!

When I'm on the ship, I'll unscrew it and see what's installed. If necessary, I'll buy and install the new linked relay. I will probably plan for the possibility of a remote control.

Main Message Board / Re: Windlass Question
January 03, 2023, 11:25:54 AM
Ron: yeah sure it's up, I got the words up/down mixed up.

I anchor often, but I lost my old chain complete with Jambo anchor in heavy weather last March when crossing from southern Croatia to northern Italy, so now a new 75 meter chain and Rocna.
Graham and Noah: thx, I'll be back on the boat in Italy in February. I'll see if I can open it and take some photos.

I'll go to the dry dock for another 4 weeks in March and I really still have a lot of work to do. From May I'll be going on a long trip. I think. I have to do some things on the way, but I'm still trying to get the parts I need beforehand. this is easier in Germany than in the south
Main Message Board / Re: Windlass Question
January 03, 2023, 09:04:15 AM
... thx for the Moment!
Everbody now this Modell?
Main Message Board / Re: Windlass Question
January 03, 2023, 05:49:43 AM
oh, a remote is a good idea and my next plan.
Is the "solenoid" maybe that, what we in Germany "Relais" call?
Main Message Board / Windlass Question
January 03, 2023, 03:39:59 AM
 this is my windlass. I think it was there from the start. Does anyone know what model it is?
I only have one switch for "DOWN" but I also want to add one for "UP". Does anyone know how I can determine whether and how to do this?
Main Message Board / Re: Hull Area Below the Waterline?
December 29, 2022, 11:17:31 PM
... I needed 3 liters for one layer of antifouling (Seajet 039 Platinum).

Main Message Board / Re: Pleased help
December 13, 2022, 12:40:39 PM
... thx Dave, because of this reason was my question.
Main Message Board / Pleased help
December 13, 2022, 05:02:03 AM
... could anyone of you measure how many centimeters are from the mast to the port side bench. so the width of the floor at this point?

Main Message Board / Re: rudder issue?
November 17, 2022, 12:25:53 AM
I have been told that the small gap between the nylon ring and the rudder stock entry into the ship is normal when the ship is on land. When it is in the water, the buoyancy pushes the rudder blade up. So this distance is like this
Can an expert here confirm this?

Hello everyone,
Here is a link that will surely interest some C34 sailors:

It is about the 7-year voyage of the Catalina 34 MK1.5 "FINDUS" of a German crew (a married couple).
They sailed from Flensburg/Germany via the Baltic Sea, North Sea, English Channel, Biscay, Atlantic (Canary Islands and Cape Verde) to the Caribbean, then via the Panama Canal to the Pacific and crossed it vie the south pacific islands to New Zealand and then to Australia.

Then, after 7 years on board, the Corona problems stopped her voyage.
Unfortunately, the page is no longer updated.

it's a bit tedious to read the diary in the archive (its in german, but whit google translator it es possible to read for not german speaking but interesting men) because you have to read it "back to front".


... no, If you Cut a round hole (for your Hand) in the cupboard its realy easy!
... it gives you a trend and it's okay. but nothing more.

As Wahoo has already written, there are affordable prices much better.

The Bolts are about 10centimeters long
On the starboard side I removed the paneling on the ceiling in the aft cabin to get at the nuts. for the backmost 2 or 3 I had to cut a hole in the small cupboard on the back side.
On the port side I took out the engine control panel to get at the rear 2 or 3 nuts, I got the others by lying down in the locker (under the port bench seat in the cockpit).
Since I was only interested in the rear part of the rail, I don't know exactly whether and how far forward it goes.
But I'll be back on the boat in Italy in a few weeks and could take a look, since I didn't manage to reinstall the paneling in the aft cabin the last time.

there, at the rear end of the rail, I screwed the foot on (bolted through):