stuffing box

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I am trying to repack my stuffing box on my 1986 catalina 34 but can not remember which way to turn the locking nut to open it up.   I've tried turning it ccw  as I am looking towards the bow and that doesn't seem to be working so I'd thought I'd check in before I totally screw it up .   


Gary W
Summer Wind
Catalina 34

Joe Holmes

CCW as you describe it
Joe Holmes
1988 Mk 1 Tall Rig, Hull 758
Rothesay NB Canada

Stu Jackson

If you take the first cushion out you'll have excellent access, more if you take both cushions out.  I never take any cushions out, I just prop up the first one and work under it!   :shock:

Anyway, read the threads, they'll show which direction.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Ron Hill

Gary : I lift the one cushion, slide the cutout back and then work on the stuffing box.
Your ccw direction is correct(as you describe it)  It is a right handed thread.

You might want to squirt some "Lime-a-way" gel on the gland nut and locking nut to take the green corrosion off.  Then rinse it off with fresh water and let it dry.  
Then put on some blaster or liquid wrench and let it set for awhile.  

Make sure that the wrench is tightly on the locking nut.  Reason - the nut is soft bronze and a loose wrench will round the hex head lock nut.  You might have to tap it with a hammer.

A few thoughts
Ron, Apache #788

Ted Pounds

I believe it's clockwise looking towards the bow, or CCW looking towards the stern. That is you're unscrewing it just like any right handed thread.
Ted Pounds
"Molly Rose"
1987 #447

Dave Spencer

Yes but for a locking nut, you want to advance the nut farther along the thread moving it away from the gland nut.  So you need to turn the lock nut in the direction you would normally tighten a normal fastener.  
Gary and the other posters are correct.  

Dave Spencer
C34 #1279  "Good Idea"
Mk 1.5, Std Rig, Wing Keel, M35A Engine
Boat - Midland, Ontario (formerly Lion's Head)
People - London, Ontario


Thanks again for everyone's comments.   You guys are extremely helpful.


Ted Pounds

Ooops! My bad.  That's what happens when one posts about a boat they haven't owned for 8 years...   :abd:
Ted Pounds
"Molly Rose"
1987 #447