Tech Notes Online (TNOs) Updated

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Stu Jackson

As promised during our Officers Meeting earlier this year, the TNOs are in the process of being updated.

Many, many thanks are due to Sue Clancy (#272, Summer Rush) who volunteered for this effort.  Also to our Association Editor, Jack Hutteball for keeping all those files in order, and to Tech Editor John Nixon for developing the content with the assistance of many contributors.

The "first phase" of this Update are the 2010 issues, which have been clearly identified as EITHER html or PDF versions.  For the first time, you can look online from your smart phones or download them as files to your computer.

Susan has also improved the "look" of the individual yearly pages by adding the year index to each individual year page so you don't have to go back all the time for finding articles from different years.

We encourage you to check them out and see how they work.  Please let us know right here if you have any comments, so we can proceed with "phase two" of bringing them all up to date in the very near future.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Stu Jackson

C34 August/Summer 2015 Mainsheet   
Secretary's Report
Stu Jackson
June 17, 2015

Tech Notes Online Updated Now to 2015

C34IA Membership dropped a bit, down to 575 from the 599 in March 2015, and down from the 639 in May 2014.  This 575 includes 28 C355s (four less than last quarter).
As promised during our Officers Meeting earlier this year, the Tech Notes Online have now been COMPLETELY updated from mid-2010 to the present.  Each and every Tech Note ever written and published in Mainsheet magazine from all the way back to 1987 is now available, at your fingertips!

Heartfelt thanks are due to Sue Clancy (#272, Summer Rush) who volunteered for this effort.  Thanks are also due to our Association Editor Jack Hutteball for keeping all those files in order, to Tech Editor John Nixon for developing the Tech Notes content both in his own superb personal technical writing as well as with the participation of many other contributors, and to our Webmaster Dave Sanner.

Please remember that the Tech Notes Online are a valuable benefit that are ONLY accessible by C34 International Association members.  We created this members-only benefit many years ago.  Earlier efforts to capture the Tech Notes consisted of copying the old black & white published pages.  The more recent articles have now been posted with the complete original texts and full color photographs.

Susan has done a remarkable job by greatly improving the access and quality of these more recent Tech Notes Online (TNOs).  They have each been clearly identified as EITHER html or PDF versions.  For the first time, you can look at the html versions directly online from your smart phones or you can download them as PDF files to your computer.

Susan has also improved the "look" of the individual yearly pages by adding the year index to each individual year page so you don't have to go back to the main TNO page for finding articles from different years.

We are also instituting a procedure to have the TNOs updated regularly soon after the magazine has been published.

Your C34IA Officers and The Board (the Fleet Captains and Past Commodores) believe that the "Members Only" TNO feature is yet another reason that our Association and our C34IA website is among the very best available to any one-design boating association.  We continue to strive to provide the very best information that is invaluable to our members.  

We encourage you to check them out and use them.  We feel it is critical to continue to archive the very vital technical information that many skippers have developed.  

The camaraderie of C34 skippers throughout the world is evidenced by the volunteer nature of Susan's efforts.  "Giving back" and "Playing it forward" has always been the hallmark of the members of our Association and the registrants and guests on our Forum/Message Board.  

Heck, we've said it before and will, no doubt, say it again: "There is never any need to reinvent the wheel when you own a C34!"
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Rick Allen

Great job to all involved. This was a herculean effort!!
:clap :clap :clap
Rick Allen, C34 IA Commodore
Former owner of "PainKiller", 1988 C34 MKI, Sail#746, std. rig, wing keel.


Steve Pembleton
Holland, MI
1986 Mk1 Fin, Tall

"We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails."