Water Pump - recirculating

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Hi All,

I got a problem this w-e with the Antifreeze recirculating pump.
For whatever reason, it look like the shaft got bent, I took it off, and the impeller run offset and rub on one side of the casing.

I did some surfing on the C34 site, which is always a gold mine of infos.
My engine is the M25XP.
That would be engine block type D-950.
Found a pump no from the Kubota catalogue 15531-7303-0.

Now, did anyone ever had similar issue ?
Where did you ordered the pump ?  If could be on the east coast side, would be nice.

As always, thanks for sharing.
1989 MKI #970
   _/)  Free Spirit


Tractor Smart in Pa. has always been a good source of parts for my 25XP. Not a hard job. I think the pump was less than $100 a couple of years ago
Peyton Harrison Hull # 597 1988 "Trinity"



Thanks ,  will look at there web site.
1989 MKI #970
   _/)  Free Spirit

Ron Hill

pat : You can also try your local Kubota dealer.  (B7200 tractor)
Ron, Apache #788


Ronnie Bowman of kellerkubota.com very knowledgable and helpful. Lebanon, Pa. No affiliation just happy customer.

Dave Mauney, O'Day 35, 1989, "DAMWEGAS" , Oriental, NC , M25XP


I just bought a new kubota 950 water pump on ebay, 49.40 free shipping, has the hose barb and gasket, this is a genuine kabota pump.
Seller: kbrosusa ( 525  )
Item title Price Shipping price Qty Item total 

New Kubota D950 WATER PUMP ( item: 181107999279  transaction: 1025510484008 )

$49.40  Free shipping 1 I just googled the pump and ebay came up
Bob Gatz, 1988 catalina 34, Hull#818, "Ghostrider" sail lake superior Apostle Islands



As usual, thanks all for the tips.
Found one at a Kubota dealer not far from here.
Bit more expensive, but no shipping fee.  So end up pretty close $$.

Bob, lucky you if you did not had shipping fee.  It state $25.oo shipping fee on the ebay page just found from your reference ???
1989 MKI #970
   _/)  Free Spirit


Yes they did raise the price to $59.85, but the shipping is still free (just looked) takes a few days to get here, but it is the real deal, just installed mine.  I just googled Kubota D950 water pump, clicked on the ebay one listed. 
Bob Gatz, 1988 catalina 34, Hull#818, "Ghostrider" sail lake superior Apostle Islands

Ron Hill

Pat : When I installed a new circulating pump on my M25XP I used some #2 Permitex (non hardening)  on both surfaces beside a new gasket.

Make sure that both surfaces are clean clean with none of the old gasket remaining.

You'll "burp" your cooling system (as a just in case) before starting the engine. Just might save you some grief!!  Good luck, not a difficult task.  Tighten the bolts "X" wise to the correct torque.

A few thoughts
Ron, Apache #788

Ron Hill

Guys : The reason that I mention torque, is because my memory tells me that the steel bolts that hold the circulating pump in place go into the aluminum accessory front of the engine.

SO, Tighten gently!! 
Ron, Apache #788



Do you have the M35A(C)?  If so, do you happen to recall the part number for the pump?

I see lots of cross references to Kubota parts but not what Kubota model maps to the M35A... anyone know?

I'd rather take a part down to the boat with me and save a trip to go down, take it off, and order the part.

Mike Brown
1993 C34 Tall Rig Wing Keel Mk 1.5
Just Limin'
Universal M-35AC



I posted the Kb sister engine parts manuals on the TechWiki, under the MANUALS topic. If you check the Wb part number for the m35a, I'd be very surprised if it was different than the pump for the M25/xp/xpa, so the same Kb p/n would fit either.

Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain


There's some good stuff there to be sure, but I must be going blind... all I see is Kubota block 850 and 950 stuff.  I'm pretty sure that the M35A is a V-1200 block but when I chased that down further to water pump p/n, I got conficting info.  I guess this will be a two (at least) trip repair and I'll have to pull it out before I order.

Mike Brown
1993 C34 Tall Rig Wing Keel Mk 1.5
Just Limin'
Universal M-35AC



I checked and Wb does show the m25/xp/xpa to have a different water pump p/n than for the m36/a.  Here's the v1200 page (that block was used on the B9200 tractor, among others.)

I'll try to upload the complete Kb engine parts manual as I have time.

Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain