Anyone installed an inverter under nav station on Mk II?

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I'm about to install an inverter under the nav station.  If anyone has done this, did you cut a hole in the liner (to the left of the windlass switch) to string the lines to the batteries? If not, where did you run the wires? Were there any wires to contend with or other things of which I should be aware?

I selected the nav station area because I already installed a starting battery under the starboard settee, and there's no room under the sink.

Thanks for any help.


My PO installed a Freedom 10 inverter/charger under the nav station.  I have since mounted and unmounted it a couple times, so I know how all the wires are lead.
All cables go back into the ex-hanging locker through dedicated holes, including the telephone cord that connects the unit to the Link 2000 monitor.
The battery cables go down under the floorboards through the hole in the lower (inboard) forward corner of the locker, then over the bilge, and up through the holes in the aft inboard corner of the battery compartment.
The AC cables go up the locker through holes in the panel dividing the locker from the electric panel compartment.
The Link 2000 monitor unit is above the nav station table, on the forward side of the locker.

Fulvio Casali
Seattle WA
#929 (1989)


That is where the previous owner installed the inverter on Voyager.  Wiring seems tucked down out of the way but I am 3000 miles away and don't recall the specifics of the installation.  no loose wires on the inside of the hanging closet, as I built the shelf unit from the projects page and the drawers slide in and out.  I'll have to take a closer look.