Replacing refrigerator

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mel low

I am going to take our boat to Alaska next spring (four month trip), and am replacing my 25-year-old Norcold refrigeration with a Vitifrigo.  I would like to be able to keep some food frozen, I'd like input on what kind of evaporator I should order.  I currently have an angled (flat plate) evaporator, but I also see center-box style which actually includes a small freezer space.  Does anyone have experience/recommendation with this type?

Lance Jones

We une an Engel. Keep it under the nav. Can be used as a freezer too. Will keep ice cream hard. They just came out with one that is a drop in for a counter top like the one yhat is standard on the 34. Woulg not get anything else. Ours is AWESOME!
Lance Jones
1988  C-34 Kitty's Cat
S/N 622