Potable Water Tank Blues

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I have filled the aft tank on our Mark II.  I am getting no water out of it.  I disconnected the hose at the valve under the galley sink, an nary a drop came through.

So, as a good boat owner, I climbed into the stardoard rear lazzarette, and then the port.  I could not find the fitting at the bottom of the tank.  Then, into the aft cabin, and could not find it, removing the hatches.

That leaves the plywood panel at the aft end of the cabin.  Does that have to be removed, together with the fiberglass at the top of the panel to get access to the outlet?  Or, am I missing something?

Peter and Susan (who held the flashlight) :(


Oh, I became an expert on this (after drilling a 3/8" hole into the tank - don't ask).  You will have to remove the fiberglass drip pan under the pedestal and the rear plywood panel (there are two additional screws holding it from the back side - have to go lazarette diving to get to one on each side).  You will need a thin prying tool, like a putty knife, to lift the panel slightly and then slip it forward and down.  It's a good opportunity to snoop around and get familiar with the steering mechanism and rudder head while everything is exposed.  

An ice pick in one of the upper screw holes helps tremendously to position the panel when reassembling the boat.

Too bad there wasn't an insection port in the rear tank.

[This message was edited by Charlie Pearsall #1515 '00 "Delirious" on August 30, 2002 at 01:52 PM.]


Thanks for the good news, Charlie.  One last, desperate thought.  Beachball inflating fitting on electric, portable tire pump into the line and blow, blow, blow.

Capt. Hopeful


Charlie, since the typical Labor Day weekend has started in RI, viz. cloudy, windy and threatening to be wet, I'm going to tackle the tank problem.

Can you tell me where to find the screws that have to be taken out from the lazzarettes?

