Gremlins in my 12v lighting

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Lance Jones

I have an interesting problem. Just recently, our cabin lighting would turn off when we turned on/off a light fixture (not a specific one. could be any of them.). It's not the breaker (It didn't pop at least) AND in about 2-5 minutes, the lights turn back on. Any insight? Thanks in advance.
Lance Jones
1988  C-34 Kitty's Cat
S/N 622


I can think of a few things that might do this. First of all, are you running off of batteries or a power supply (one of the mods discussed on this forum)? If you are running off of a power supply then I would suspect its thermal cutout circuit or the relay. Run off of battery and see whether it fixes the problem.

If you are running off of batteries and only the lighting is affected, then I would suspect the breaker or the wire to or from the breaker. Could also be the return wire common to the lights. Sounds like it could be a bad connection which is resistive,  gets hot and disconnects, cools reconnects. Does it happen faster when 2 lights are on? You eliminate some of the possibilities by running the lights off of another breaker (temporarily) and see whether the problem is resolved. If it is, the problem is the breaker or on the battery side of the breaker. If not, on the light side of the breaker.

If more than the lighting is affected and you've only noticed it on the lighting, the problem is between the batteries and the breaker panel.

I'm sure you've thought of these things already. Good luck.

Lance Jones

Actually, it happens when some lights are turned on, all lights are turned on AND when all lights are turned off and you go to turn on a light. It only manifests itself in the lights. All other battery powered systems work fine.
Lance Jones
1988  C-34 Kitty's Cat
S/N 622

Ron Hill

Lance : Get rid of the blue connectors that are at each cabin light connection into the cabin light wiring.

If you think your wiring is gremlinized now, wait until you turn off the cabin lights and the running lights go ON !! 
Ron, Apache #788

Lance Jones

Lance Jones
1988  C-34 Kitty's Cat
S/N 622

Ron Hill

Lance : Yes, I've soldered all of mine (that I can get at).

I believe that the MKIIs have better connectors and marine grade wire.  Too bad the MKIs don't!!
Ron, Apache #788


I had a couple of lights that were flickering.  I changed the bulbs and the problem went away.  Could you be so lucky as to have such a simple solution?
2006 MKII Hull # 1762
San Francisco, Ca