Jib LIne replacement

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 I have a 1988 34 catalina. This morning i was taking the jib down to have clean and noticed that the line at the top was frayed... So which means i better replace it.. Any hints as to repalcement of the line with out going up the mast. It looks like it will go to the top and then down inside the mast. Any hints wouuld be very helpfull as this is my first time doing this.  What size line and how much should i get? Thank you all.

Stu Jackson

kev, you can get creative with the search feature on the Message Board.  I just typed in halyard replacement and found this:  http://c34.org/bbs/index.php/topic,1166.0.html

Try halyard+replacement, too, for more earlier posts.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Ron Hill

Kev : In a pinch you can tie a small line on the present haylard and change it - end for end !!   
I do that with all of my line every 5 years or so.  That really extands the life.   A thought   :idea:
Ron, Apache #788

Lance Jones

I also swap ends periodically. However, before doing so, please inspect the halyard for serviceability. When removing halyards, I put a couple of stitches between the end of the old halyard and the new so that as I pull the old halyard out, it pulls the replacement through all the appropriate locations.
Lance Jones
1988  C-34 Kitty's Cat
S/N 622


In addition to Lance's suggestion, you might want to wrap some duct tape over the stitched together ends.  This will provide a smooth taper and keep the ends aligned should they get whopper jawed.  I have replaced three halyards and it is one of the easiest chores on the boat.
Mark Mueller
Mark & Melinda Mueller
Blue Moon, Hull #815

Ron Hill

Guys : As Lance mentioned (what I do) is to sew the two lines together. 
Duct tape is good, but I wouldn't trust it to that task! 
Ron, Apache #788