Cannot Access Tech Notes

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I keep trying to access the tech notes.
But my nose stays pressed againts the glass looking at the menu but I can't get in.

I paid my the CD version and a back copy of Mainsheet.
I use my username and password (the same one I use to log in to the Forum).
But clearly I am doing something wrong...

Will someone enlighten me?

Sid Kushner
Lady K (1281)
Channel Islands, CA

Stu Jackson

It's "REGISTRANT" for the Message Board and "MEMBER" for the C34IA.

Access to Tech Notes Online is for C34 IA members only.  Access to this board is open to everyone for both "GUESTS" and "REGISTRANTS."  As noted below, in previously published information in Mainsheet magazine, C34 IA members receive a password to access TNO, which is different than the oneS they made up for this board.

If anyone has any questions about membership in the C34 IA, or has lost their TNO password, PLEASE contact me at mraquaq AT  Since we keep the membership roster up to date, we can easily check on your C34IA membership and distribute the C34IA password appropriately.

Please also note that at least two or three requests are made each month for this information. :D  You are not alone!!!

Please also see the Invitation post on this board for non-members to join the C34IA at: and this Clarification of Memberships:,4782.0.html


May 2005 Mainsheet Magazine – C34 Secretary's Report

Our subject this edition is "Unraveling the Mysteries of C34 Membership." There appears to be some confusion about the term "Membership" primarily between the C34 International Association (C34 IA) and the Forum/Message Board. They are two separate things. Membership in the C34 IA affords you many opportunities, including half price BoatUS membership, Mainsheet magazine, and the free CD-ROM that contains the FAQs, Projects and Tech Notes from 1987 to 2001. C34 IA Membership also provides you with the user name and password that are required to gain access to the Tech Notes Online. The entire rest of the website and the Forum/Message Board is open to everyone. To join the C34 IA print out and fill in the form at JOIN on the main website home page, and mail your check to me.  We'll send you your CD-ROM and the user name and password for the Tech Notes Online.

The website's Forum/Message Board also requires a username and a password. You personally make these up when you initially register. We encourage you to use your real name as a username to avoid future problems. However, we cannot help you if you lose your password, that's all yours. When posting to the Forum/Message board, identify your hull/sail number and where you're located to help others answer your specific questions. 

To summarize: Signing up for the Message Board doesn't make you a member of the C34 IA. Also, please don't confuse the need for a password for the message board as membership in the C34 IA. The C34 IA website is open and free for everyone to use, but for the Tech Notes Online you need to be a C34 IA member to register and select your personal username and password. Instructions to sign onto the Forum/Message Board are located in Forum Announcements.

August 2005 Mainsheet Magazine

In the May issue, my secretary's report was "Unraveling the Mysteries of C34 Membership."  I may have "raveled" some with the following text: "The C34 IA website is open and free for everyone to use, but for the Tech Notes Online you need to be a C34 IA member to register and select your personal username and password."  That's just wrong, sorry.  For the Tech Notes Online you need to be a C34 IA member and we provide you with the username and password.  For the Forum/Message Board you select your own username and password.  My apologies for any confusion.

It's "REGISTRANT" for the Message Board and "MEMBER" for the C34IA.

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


Just got the username and password for the tech notes.
Many many thanks!
I just logged on and it was a breeze.
What a great site...
So much information based on real experience, rather than opinion and conjecture.
Thanks to all.