Head port Replacement

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I am needing to replace my head port on my 1987.  I assumed it was a 5 in. x 12 in Beckson port.  I purchased one at the local WM and got to the boat and discovered that it was not exactly the same size.  The latches on the port window are not the traditional cammed latches Beckson is known for.  Mine are black knurrled threaded knobs. There is no indication of the manufacture on the port.  I have also tried to search the message board for a previous thread and found nothing.  In 1987 was there a different brand of port used?  Must I source this from Catalina Parts?  I would like to use a self-draining port in lue of the standard non-self draining model that I currently have.

Thanks Kelly

Stu Jackson


The port in the head is smaller and it's black.  It sure isn't a 5 x 12 Beckson, like the white ones in the rest of your boat.

A Search on "pompanette," the company that took over the ports, and recently discussed somewhere on this board, finds:


The one titled Mystery Head Ports should get you what you need.

All the best,

PS  ain't good old boats fun?   8)  :lol:
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Randy Stolze


 I purchased the gasket and a new cam lock assembly ( knob and stud) from Pomanette as noted in the previous referenced post from Stu. It installed easily and solved my leaking problem. I would think replacing the port would require replacing the plexiglass window.

