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Mark Elkin

Welcome Friends, Romans, and Members,

Come one and come all to the Projects big top and see the amazing new projects.  Guarenteed to astound, befuddle, or <fill in the blank> you.  

Many thanks to Ron Hill and Mike Vaccaro for their recent Project additions.

Would you care to see your name in the bright lights too?  Just let us know what little (or big) things you've done to make an improvement in your fine ship.  Send me a quick note and picture -- or a whole novel -- and you'll earn your place in history (i.e. the Projects web page).
Mark S Elkin

Mark Elkin

I just discovered that the "Contribute" web page leads to a non-functional dead end. You cannot get anywhere from there. I've sent a note to our grand webmaster (Phil) to look into it.

Instead of using the "Contribute" page, you can submit your project using the "Comments" web page. Start at the home page. At the bottom of the of the list of links in the left side column is one called "Comments". Click on it. Then fill in the information in the form. At the bottom of the form is the "Send To" field. Select "Assoc Webmaster - Projects Section" to send me your projects.
Mark S Elkin