Leaks around mast

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Whenever we get heavy rain, I get persistent leaks from around the mast inside the boat. Last season, I removed the boot and applied some silicone around the areas where the spartite had separated from the mast and the collar, thinking that was where the leak was. I also re-sealed the sail track that runs down the aft side of the mast. Still leaked, so this season I removed the old collar and applied mast tape, and am now pretty sure there is no way the water was coming from there, as I got a really good seal all the way around. Hurricane Helene was the test for the new tape and This morning it was still leaking. My suspicions have turned to the mast collar. Does this have a history of leaking? Perhaps around the pins for the turning blocks? My big question is, is it possible to re-bed it without pulling the mast? We are in the water year round and I don't want to have to haul out to deal with this one.
Tim Callico
1989 C34 #957
St Johns, FL

Ron Hill

It sound like you've caulked where it should stop the water from coming in. It will be a job, but try removing all of the caulk and replacing it with butyl rubber at the top and bottom!!

A thought
Ron, Apache #788