Blocking stand question

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Boat was hauled out a few days ago, I was not at the yard when hauled and blocked. Checked yesterday and the center stands look to be useless where they put them. I think they are misplaced and should be higher up, Yard says they are fine and don't want to move them. All the boat stands are on blacktop so pretty stable.
Any issues/concerns? Would you insist that they be moved?
Bernd, 1990- Hull 1012, Gulfport, FL


Yards just suck, don't they?
Theyre conserving their tall stands. Your business isn't "worth" one.

They're not totally useless if they're holding weight but it's not 'correct'  (JTSO.)
Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain

Ron Hill

Benrd : Thump the hull and you'll find a bulkhead just aft of where the center stands are now.

MOVE THEM !!!!! 

Also make sure that the majority of the weight is on the nose of the keel - Check to make sure that the majority of the weight is NOT on the fwd stands!!

On my boat (wing keel) the fwd stands are just there and snug against the hull - no weight!

A thought
Ron, Apache #788