Upgrade questions on '89 M25XP

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I recently purchased an '89 C34. Looking through the projects I am trying to figure out if certain upgrades have been made.


  • Alternator mounting bracket. I've checked the pictures from others that have done this upgrade but can not tell if my alternator has been upgraded. As I understand it, the alternator was previously attached to the timing housing, that failure resulted in a crack to the housing, with oil leak resulting, among other badness :o
    Here is a picture of my alternator

  • Wiring harness upgrade. It looks like my engine has had some sort of change made to the engine wiring harness, looks half baked. Here is the wiring

Thanks in advance for the help.

C34 #936 - Tranquility


The previous owner may have cut out the factory connection because of a melt down such as I experienced in mine. Be sure to examine the connector behind the cockpit panel.Mine also melted there.


My harness also melted at various places, the engine panel, as well as at various places of its entire length. I purchased the harness extension kit from Seaward and replaced the entire harness with no connectors in-between to fail. I strongly recommend that you check the entire harness length to insure there was no melt down.
Bernd Mueller

Stu Jackson


Harness Upgrade Reference Redux

Here it is:




You can download the wiring drawings from the reference.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

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