Cleaning Dodger Windows

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I tried to get a new dodger made for this season and the dude fell through. I'm going to patch it up and make it last a little longer.

Does anyone have a good method to make these window look somewhat transparent?




I don't know any way to make those window(s) clear again—too far gone IMO. But, perhaps you could find someone to just replace the window(s), to buy you time before getting a new dodger...
1990 hull #1014, San Diego, CA,  Fin Keel,
Standard Rig

Stu Jackson

The "usual suspects" are Plexus or Imar products.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


I am with Noah... too far gone but you might be able to find someone to stitch in new window panels.
Alex - Seattle, WA
91 mk1.5 #1120
Std rig w/wing keel
Universal M35

Jim Hardesty

Agree with others, replace plexiglass.  Depending on the condition of the canvas, may want to do some restitching and replace with a better grade plexiglass.  Ask around your marina or yacht club for recommendations it's not nearly as difficult to do as building one.
Jim Hardesty
2001 MKII hull #1570 M35BC  "Shamrock"
sailing Lake Erie
from Commodore Perry Yacht Club
Erie, PA


Sounds like they are trashed. I'm not sure if its even worth putting new ones on, the dodger is falling apart. Its got one more adventure left.



If that one more adventure is a trip to the trash can then you're right it's got one more adventure. Looking into my crystal ball I see a new dodger in your future. Since they're all custom it's takes time to get a new dodger so the sooner you order it the sooner you'll get it.

With yellowed windows and rotten canvas there's nothing to save. I doubt any canvass shop would be willing to attempt any kind of repair. When the canvass is that far gone it won't hold the new stitching. Dodgers have a service life yours has been exceeded.
Kevin Quistberg                                                 Top Gun 1987 Mk 1 Hull #273


Generally the thread goes before the canvas. You MIGHT be able to get by with restitching and replacing the window(s), but it may not be cost effective.
1990 hull #1014, San Diego, CA,  Fin Keel,
Standard Rig

Ron Hill

Sneo : It looks to me  like your dodger is trash!!  Examine the fabric where it attaches to the deck!!  It would be a waste of money to just replace the windows!!

When you get the new doger made have them use "life of the material" thread.  Well worth the small extra cost!!

A few thoughts
Ron, Apache #788

Jim Hardesty

You didn't include your location.  Possibly someone here knows someone that does sewing on the side close to you or ask around.  I'm guessing that the canvas is usable.  If so restitching and replacing plexiglass would get you another season or two.  I've had that done on previous boats with good results for under $50.
It's a good thing to add your boat information and location to your signature.  Helps to get better answers.
Jim Hardesty
2001 MKII hull #1570 M35BC  "Shamrock"
sailing Lake Erie
from Commodore Perry Yacht Club
Erie, PA

Kyle Ewing

As others suggested, get an estimate to just replace the isinglass and re-stitch bad spots.  I did this years ago and it was a small percentage of the cost of new. 
Kyle Ewing
Donnybrook #1010
Belmont Harbor, Chicago

Steve McGill

When I enlarge you pic I see the edges and the areas that are worn out. I believe that most canvas shops would agree that spending $500-1000 is not worth it based on stability of remaining material.

My two cents, good luck.

CLARITY 1988 #588 TRWK (sold 8/2023 after 17 yrs)
Chesapeake, Herring Bay, MD



The thread going first has not been my experience. I know it's time to replace the dodger when someone inadvertently puts their hand through it! At that point repair is useless any type of stitching simply pulls through the canvass when tension is applied. I've never had to replace a dodger because of opaque windows and I generally go 7 or 8 years between dodger replacement.
Kevin Quistberg                                                 Top Gun 1987 Mk 1 Hull #273


I wonder if one of those headlight restoration kits you see at Autozone would work on the plexiglass?  Might be an inexpensive way to get you through another season.



Those kits work on on removing the surface oxidation of that hard plastic headlight. Once that discoloration penetrates through the soft plastic dodger window to the other side it's toast, it eventually spreads through the entire window, nothing you can do for it. The trick is to stop it before it can get a foothold.
Kevin Quistberg                                                 Top Gun 1987 Mk 1 Hull #273