EV-100 autopilot drive motor loose

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Jim Hardesty

After almost 4 seasons of great service, having a problem with my Raymarine EV-100 autopilot.  After a nice moderate sail my wheel pilot wouldn't disengage  ie. the lever wouldn't go to full disengage.  Luckily had enough sea room to remove the wheel drive with no further damage.  Got back to the dock and after disassembly decided the problem was the drive motor was loose, about 1/32 inch and the internal mounting ring interfered with the activating cam? ie. what the lever is attached to.
My question is has anyone tightened that motor and how?  Looks to me like some special spanners are needed.  Where can I have this fixed?  Is it best to send to Raymarine or is there someplace better.
Jim Hardesty
2001 MKII hull #1570 M35BC  "Shamrock"
sailing Lake Erie
from Commodore Perry Yacht Club
Erie, PA

Dave Spencer

Hi Jim,
That sounds like a hair-raising experience.  Yikes, locked steering as you come into port (or anywhere really) could spell disaster.  I too have an EV-100 that I installed this year.  While the electronics are significantly better than past Raymarine autopilots, the wheel drive hasn't changed at all in recent years as far as I can tell.  Mine is still the ST 4000 Mk II wheel drive as I suspect yours is.  You may already have this but here is a maintenance manual for the ST 4000 Mk II including an exploded view on Page 7 and what appear to be clear written instructions on disassembly and reassembly.  https://www.defender.com/pdf/4000-service_manual.pdf
Good luck with your repair.  Let us know how it goes.

Dave Spencer
C34 #1279  "Good Idea"
Mk 1.5, Std Rig, Wing Keel, M35A Engine
Boat - Midland, Ontario (formerly Lion's Head)
People - London, Ontario

Jim Hardesty

Thanks Dave.  Just what I was looking for.
Jim Hardesty
2001 MKII hull #1570 M35BC  "Shamrock"
sailing Lake Erie
from Commodore Perry Yacht Club
Erie, PA

Jim Hardesty

I disassembled and reassembled with the instructions, not that hard.  Thanks again Dave. :thumb:  Bench tests OK.  Now to check it out on the boat.  And decide if I'm going to replace a couple of parts over winter that the plastic is damaged.  Guess a call to Raymarine is in my future. 

I noticed from the very first the motor was a little loose, rotated just enough back and forth to notice when on autopilot.  As everything worked well didn't think it was a problem.  Well it was.  I suggest looking for any movement there and fix before it gets worse.

Also recommend having a 3mm allen wrench accessible in case the autopilot locks up.

Jim Hardesty
2001 MKII hull #1570 M35BC  "Shamrock"
sailing Lake Erie
from Commodore Perry Yacht Club
Erie, PA