Fuel Pick Up Tube
Remove the filtering screen on the fuel pick up hose/tube that is in the bottom of the fuel tank!! It will clog and cause the engine to stop (fuel starvation)!! These screens were installed in all of the 1986/87/88/89&90 boats and some of the 1991 C34s. If you have a 1991 or 1992 boat it's best to check - just in case.
You have a Racor and engine fuel filters to filter out the particles.
The pickup tube can be removed without removing the tank. Gain access by removing the walls in the aft stateroom and opening the beckson plate in the cockpit locker. Remove the hose and unscrew the pick up assembly. As you lift the assembly out use the extra space provided by the open beckson plate to give the necessary clearance. Remove the screen and reinstall.