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About this FAQ ("Frequently-Asked Questions") This FAQ represents a compilation of wisdom captured from the Catalina mailing list, as well as original contributions to this Web site. If you've something to add, please contribute!


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Just click any of the topics to go directly to that subject


150% Genoa - Too big?
Adler-Barbour Refrigeration - Can I run my refrigerator on batteries, away from shore?
Anchors - What's the best anchor for my C34?
Autopilots - How do I install an autopilot?
Autohelm instruments - Can I add other manufacturer's products?
Backstay tensioner - How do I install a backstay tensioner?
Beckson ports - How do I fix leaks?
Boat renaming - Is it OK to rename my boat? How do I do it?
Buying a used C34 - What should I look for?
new.gif (167 bytes) Companionway Boards -- Where do I store them?
Elliptical rudder - What's this? Should I get it? How much does it cost?
Engine harness upgrade - What's wrong with my boat's electrical system?
Fin keel vs. wing keel - Which is the best for my sailing purposes?
new.gif (167 bytes) Fuel gauge -- Why did it stop working?
new.gif (167 bytes) Fuel pump -- Why does it click so loudly?
Head - Why does it stink? 
Heat exchanger - Does this thing require maintenance?
Heat exchanger zinc - What's this? How do I change it?
Hood roller furling - What's wrong with my Hood LD roller furling?
Hot water temperature - How can I control the hot water temperature?
Hull Identification Numbers (HIN) - How can I tell what my hull number is?
new.gif (167 bytes) Lewmar portlights - How do I fix a leak?
Mail order - Can I get boat stuff by mail?
Mast pumping -- Is there a cure? YES!
Offshore performance of C34s - Has anyone taken a C34 offshore? What happened?
Performance under sail? - What's the best way to sail the C34?
Plastic sliding doors (early C34s) - Oooh, they're ugly? What to do?
Port side list -- Help! I think my C34 lists slightly to port! What gives????
Prop, three-bladed - Can you improve performance with a three-bladed prop?
Prop walk - How can I cope with that darned prop walk in reverse?
Rebedding stanchions - There's a right away, and a wrong way!
Refrigeration - Can I run the refrigerator without running down the batteries?
Sails - Are the stock C34 sails any good?
Seaworthiness -- How does the C34 come off in quantitative measurements of seaworthiness?
new.gif (167 bytes) Stuffing Box - How do I stop it from leaking?
Racor fuel/water separator - How can I tell whether there's water in my fuel?
Shaft Diameter - What's the diameter of the drive shaft?
Tachometer - My tachometer just died. What should I do?
Tall rig vs. standard rig  - Which is the best rig for my sailing purposes?
Transmission oil - How do I change the transmission oil?
Underdeck autopilot - Has anyone installed this on a C34?
new.gif (167 bytes) Water heater - Why won't the water heat when my boat is under power?
Water in fuel - How is water getting into my fuel?
Water in bilge - How come there's so much water in my bilge?
Wind generators - Anyone add a wind generator to their C34?
Winterization - How should I winterize my c34?


Disclaimer Please note that these contributions reflect the opinions of the contributors, and are not the official views of the Catalina 34 National Association or Catalina Yachts. Also, please note that there are genuine differences of opinion among Catalina owners on all or most of the subjects discussed here. If you don't feel that the subject has received balanced treatment, well... contribute! (Is this beginning to sound like a broken record, or what?) 

Prospective C34 owners, please note:  Nothing you read here should be taken to indicate that C34s have more repair/maintenance issues than any other sailboat. Quite the opposite, in fact; most C34 owners would agree that the boat is remarkably trouble-free.  But no sailboat is perfect, and the marine environment is very harsh.  What's so great about the C34 is precisely that there's an avid community of owners who share information and solutions -- that's one very good reason to consider a C34 over competing boats that lack a thriving owner community.


Last modified by Webmaster, Wednesday, September 01, 2004 Copyright © 2001 by Catalina 34 International Association.  All rights reserved.