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FAQ: Port List?


I've heard that Catalina 34s list slightly to port. What's the story on this?

It's not a design problem, folks

This question seems to come up repeatedly, and some people get very upset about it-- for reasons that are more psychological than technical. The short answer is: The C34 design does not produce a port side list. In a survey of 25 C34s at Marina del Rey, CA, Catalina Yacht technicians found that that roughly one third of the C34s moored there have no list at all; of the remaining, about 2/3 list to port, while 1/3 list to starboard, but in no case did the list exceed .9 of a degree. A minor list of this sort is attributable to loading assymetries (including a full fuel tank and empty water tanks). Bryan Pfaffenberger

You can correct it

The immediate candidate to help correct the list is to mount additional batteries, in particular a starting battery, on the starboard side. I also have my tool box in that small shelf under the stove (probably weighs 50 lbs). The lip on the shelf keeps the box from sliding out and it is always accessible. I store all of my spare parts on the starboard side. We also store all of our canned goods and heavy provisions on the starboard side while lighter items are stored on the port side. If you have to store heavy items on the port side, ensure that they aren't at the outermost point of the port beam. Extra 12-packs of soda are stored under the V-berth on the starboard side. We use the water from the starboard tank and then refill it from the aft tank (gravity) so it always remains full. The only time we have a notable port side list with the way we load the boat, is when the refrigerator is empty. I believe if I were the owner of a Mark II, I'd add a starboard water tank and would definitely install extra batteries and a starting battery on the starboard side. If you install air conditioning, put the compressor on the starboard side. I would not add dead weight just to get rid of the list, but that is a personal choice. Ron Hill, Apache, #788

Important: The opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors to this page, and not those of the Catalina 34 National Association or Catalina Yachts, Inc. Additionally, this material has not been reviewed by Catalina Yachts, Inc. for technical accuracy. This page's maintainer cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information or the desirability of suggested modifications or upgrades. Please obtain assistance from a competent marine mechanic or boatyard prior to making any significant modifications to your vessel.   

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