Polar Diagrams - Data in excel

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Fellow C34 Sailors

Just having a good time with polar diagrams...

I took the polar that was on our site for a C34 fin, 150% genoa etc and put the data into excel.  I also converted the data to give a polar expressed from true wind direction.   THe file includes graphs and tables as well as true-apparent wind speed/direction tables too. I plan on sharing this on the web based on interest.

Unfortunately,  I have a wing keel and would love to get my hands on a polar for the wing, 150% with max-prop so I can do the same.

I noticed that Catalina is giving polars with some new boats.   A thought, since we have a large community perhaps we should lobby for appropriate flavors of old boats too?


I would be most interested in this file.  Thanks for taking the time.  It is sure to be far superior to my hand drawn notes.  Thanks, Joel


p.s. I tried to e-mail you and it got bounced back?

Ken Juul

The FAQ section of the home page would be a great place to post this information.  I would like to see it.
Ken & Vicki Juul
Luna Loca #1090
Chesapeake Bay
Past Commodore C34IA


How about a short course in polar diagrams


Ken & Vicki, Terry-
E-Mail me at skipc34@comcast.net and I'll send excel file.

dave davis

Skip, I have an old polar for c34 with folder and 150. It does not say anything about the keel. I would be interested in the wing keel and the Mod 2 wide transom. I will try to attach my polar to this post. I also tried to spell check, but it does not show up. I'm sure that I did something wronge
Dave Davis San Francisco, 707, Wind Dragon, 1988, South Beach

Kyle Ewing

Thanks for the diagram.  The link http://albertson.sytes.net/~chris/C36_Polars/ which I found on the Catalina 36 owners association page has a C36 polar with an explanation on how to read it.  

Kyle Ewing
1990 C34 #1010, Donnybrook
Belmont Harbor, Chicago

Catalina 36 polar information
Kyle Ewing
Donnybrook #1010
Belmont Harbor, Chicago


Skip -

Please attach your excel spreadsheet to your next post.

For Dave Davis and anyone else having trouble with the spell checker, after you've installed ieSpell, and after you've typed your post, just right-click on the mouse and click on "check spelling".

David Smith, Bear Territory


Here is the excel file.   Appreciate all feedback.