Fuel gauge

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Trying to find info on the fuel gauge on my Mk II .  I find nothing on its operation and or what to ask for in a replacement.

It reads full when the power is on  and if I, after a miserable 3 ours getting at the 5 screws holding it in the tank in a totally
impossible location to reach, out and disconnect the power tab wire it reads empty,

What is the make and is there some diagrams available along with trouble shooting guides anywhere?

Cat34 Mk II True Luff #1582  2001
San Pedro, CA (Port of Los Angeles)


When the sender wire is grounded, the gauge should pin at full scale.  With the wire removed (circuit open) the gauge should read zero.  I can email you instructions on troubleshooting -- the file is too large to attach.


Whoops, no I got ta attached this time........

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Stu Jackson

Dale, it's in the tech wiki


IIRC, there may be some instrumenmt information under "Manuals" in the wiki, too.

Good luck.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Ron Hill

Dale : As Stu pointed out got to WiKi, as there is no difference in the fuel tank senders of a MKI or a MKII C34.
Ron, Apache #788