Facet fuel pump pulse rate

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 I recently replaced my original (1988) Facet electric fuel pump with a new Facet pump (Universal 610-1074). Under normal running conditions the original pump pulsed approximately two times per second.  The new one pulses much faster, approximately 5 times per second and gets warm to the touch on its top.  Is this normal? Possibly it is the difference between an all mechanical and the new solid state unit.


Ron Hill

Rand : Your question is difficult to answer as most C34s have the cylindrical fuel pump (the old mechanical or the newer electronic). 
I'll guess as with most items it can get warm, but if it is hot enough so you can't keep your hand on it - it's tooo hot!! 

Hope this helps
Ron, Apache #788


Ron,  I believe that most of our original fuel pumps were  made by Facet. Cylincdrical in shape and about 8 inches long. My new one is  a Facet Gold-Flo Solid State fuel pump and the same shape as the original pump. Does that help?  Thanks.



Ron Hill

Rand : Your rate seems high as I'd guess the pulses should be more like about once/second.
Ron, Apache #788