Hurricane Earl check in

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Terry Forshier

Being a Floridian I am always concerned with hurricanes. I just talked to my friend on Cape Cod who says they are not expecting much there. How about you East Coasters? How about checking in and Let us know how you fared in this.

Ron Hill

I was anchored in a "hurricane hole" on the west side of the Chesapeake Bay and got a gust of maybe 5 kts!!  Some light drizzle, but it sure as hell was hot.  A thought!!   :cry4`
Ron, Apache #788


Have friends on a Corbin in Nova Scotia, and they have the eye(or whats left of it) going over them.

Here is their sailblog to find out how they survived the storm:

Knock on wood nothing major happens, they spent the last 7-8yrs gutting the hull and rebuilding the boat, an amazing job Branco did.