Skipper in Drydock

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Bob Kuba

Had what I thought was indigestion last Tuesday.
By Wednesday it had become more uncomfortable.
The wife was out of town so I started making plans.

Thursday morning I had a friend walk the dog and then drive me to the Emergency Room.
After x-rays and a ct scan it turned out to be a burst appendix, and went right to surgery.

A 3 day stint in the hospital on antibiotics and back home on Saturday afternoon.

I asked the Doctor what causes it, and apparently it happens for no reason.
Go figure.
Bob Kuba, C34IA Past Commodore

Stu Jackson

Get well, glad you caught it.  I had mine out in 1964 and remember playing frisbee a few days later.  Not that I could do that again...heck, I'd love to be able to play frisbee
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Michael Shaner

Bob, glad to hear things worked out as well as they did for you.

I would think the best place to assure speedy recovery would be the salon of a C34... :D
Michael & Alison Shaner

Ron Hill

Bob : Had my out in 1942.  Got released from the hospital and the next day climbed a tree (like 12 yr old boys do).  Split open the incision and was back in the hospital to get stronger stitches!!

Moral of the story - don't climb the mast for a week or two!!  Get well and while mending reread the Mainsheet tech notes!! 
Ron, Apache #788



Sorry to hear about your appendix.  I had mine out about seven years ago.  I was in my mid forties at the time.  It takes awhile to get over this completely.  Probally a good six weeks or so before you don't get tired faster than normal.  You should be able to sail in a couple of weeks.
Dave G.
Hull# 608  1988 Tall Rig/Fin Keel
Malletts Bay, VT- Lake Champlain

Bob Kuba

I think I forgot to mention that all this happened on my BIRTHDAY!

Bob Kuba, C34IA Past Commodore