Generator housing box

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Terry Forshier

I have the HONDA 2000 generator and a 1988 C34. I am thinking of building a "poop house" for it on the deck in front of the mast. Has anyone done or seen anyone do this? I visualize a soundproofed box with the footprint just a little larger the the generator. It would have some louvers for ventelation and a lot of padding on the bottom to diminish the vibration of the generetor while running. Maybe a little pitched top all varnished up. It would be removable when not on trips. This is just in the "thought " stage but I don't like the present situation. Putting it on the bow it vibrates the deck and takes a long cord to run to the cockpit where the input is. Then putting it on a seat in the cockpit is pretty loud. Any other of you do anyhing like this?

Larry Robertie

I've not done this but I can tell you that when I was looking at the generators at the Boston Boat Show last year the guys from Hansen Marine suggested pretty much as you describe - as far as mounting forward of the mast.  The housing sounds like a great idea. 

Caution however!!!  The exhaust gets very hot.  Make sure there is a large opening to accommodate not only the fumes, but the heat.
Larry Robertie
Ruach #1506
Salem, MA