Yanmar engine and packing gland woes

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My '93 C34 has the Yanmar engine.  I've had the boat just a few months and while doing some routine maintance, I noticed several components on the back of the engine & tranny are beginning to show signs of corrosion from the salt water coming in via the packing gland.  

The gland is adjusted pretty well - 2-4 drops per minute when the prop is spinning - so it's not like there's an abundance of water getting slung around back there...just enough "moisture" that things are starting to get a bit nasty.  I really don't like the way the coupler is looking - very rusted.

Don't know if it the same with the Universal engines, but with my Yanmar, the distance from the tranny coupling to the packing gland is very short.  I think this proximity issue is the basis of the problem.  The previous owner had a rubber flap installed - fits over the top of the packing gland and extends out of the shaft a few inches - I suspect to try to cut down on the splash.

I have two questions:
1.  Is this an issue with all C34s or just those of us with Yanmar engines?
2.  Have any of you Yanmar owners switched to a PSS or one of the more "dripless" packing materials to reduce/minimize this problem?

1993 C34
Hull # 1261
Wing Keel, Std. Rig

Ron Hill

r_ : The M35 Universal 4 cylinder engine also has a limited space between the Xmission and the packing gland nut.

I assume that you have enough room to remove the nut and change the packing.  I also assume that you have the same packing gland that most C34's have and use 3/16" packing.  
In that light I'd recommend that you contact Gore Inc. and order some of their drippless packing, it's great stuff.  Call them at (410)392-3200 and order some - about $15 for 3 feet.  Follow their instructions and I believe that will fix your problem.  
I wrote a couple of articles on changing the packing while the boat is in the water - see Mainsheet tech notes.   :wink:
Ron, Apache #788


Rusty---I second what Ron said about the Gore product. My packing gland was running not dripping. My bilge was constantly full of water. I ordered the Gore Product, put it in and I have no drips at all. The bilge is dry as a bone. I even apply ed a new coat of paint to it and it looks great. You wont be sorry taking the time to do the job and it wont have to be done for a long time. Ron S.

Stu Jackson

A search on "Gore" has a number of threads.  One of them is:  http://www.c34.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=807&highlight=gore

That and others include sources and prices.

Since I wrote that FAQ in 1998 or 1999 at http://www.c34ia.org/faq-pages/faq-stuffing-box.html  the Gore has come on the market.  It's good material at a good cost.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Ed Shankle

You still have to deal with your rusting components; clean them up and spray with some Boeing T-9.

Ed Shankle
Tail Wind #866 1989 m25xp
Salem, MA