Angel Island Cruise - April 9th & 10th

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When: April 9th & 10th
Where: Angel Island, Ayala Cove

Celebrate an extra hour of sunlight with a cruise to Angel Island. Come join your fellow C34ers & Fleet 1 for a weekend on the island. This will be an informal event with BYOBBQ on Saturday afternoon. Enjoy the evening with Texas Hold-em Tournament, sponsor by Mia-Tia (Ed & Dean). So get your boat ready for the 1st cruise of the year.

* BYOBBQ (Bring You Own BBQ) on the Island - Starts @ 2pm till Dark.
* Texas Hold'em Tournament - $20 buy-in. Starts 8pm - Contact Dean (Mia Tia) ( for details
* Hike to top of Mt. Livermore - Sunday Morning 9am. Meet at the end of the dock.

Don Pitchford
"Liquid Courage" 1659