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Messages - spoon239

Looking for a used mackpack or stackpack main sail cover for use with lazyjacks. Please email if you have one to sell!
I think I solved the Jib issue. When the jib was rigged they used the spinnaker halyard instead of the jib halyard. after I switched the jib to use the jib halyard, it does not seem to be getting stuck anymore. There was some serious line wrap going on after further inspection. Fingers crossed problem is solved. I am a new owner of this yacht so learning something new every day. I appreciate all the responses.
Thank so much for the replies. When I furl & unfurl the jib, 50% of the time I cannot get it to move on the drum - either way. I have to manually turn the drum with my hand and even then it is very difficult to get it to move.
Main Message Board / Advice for new jib furling system
August 25, 2023, 10:34:59 AM
My Hood Seafurl 2 is causing me major issues jamming up when furling/unfurling. Given what I have read online about issues getting parts/cost, I think it's time to move on to something new. Any advice for a new jib furling system - Harken? Furlex? ANy advice on brand and decent models for a 1986 C 34 would be greatly appreciated.
