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Messages - Saribbean

Main Message Board / Re: Rope Clutch
June 11, 2015, 06:37:58 AM
Thanks Stu!
Main Message Board / Rope Clutch
June 08, 2015, 07:49:22 AM

One of my rope clutches wont stay open when you push back the the rope clutch.  You have to manually push and hold the tab all the way down to keep it open. I have looked all over the rope clutch and no brand name or any lables on it what so ever.  Checked my manuals and looked on this forum, cant find anything.  They are blackish grey colour, Almost a gun metal finish. Any suggestions? Its at mkII, 2003.

Hey Gents,

Thanks for the help.  I really like the caulk idea!! Going to do that forsure.  Ive tightened down the packing gland bolts. Ill try buying a new gland and start with that.  There is a crack on the exterior of the hull where the skeg is.  Probably 5 inches forward of the rudder its self.  Sealed it before the boat splashed with epoxy but did a quick job with it. 
After talking to all of you, and some local surveryors, a boat builder.  The leak is very minor so I think im going to wait till the fall, haul out and do a proper job on the crack skeg.  If there was any wood in the haul i would be taking it out right away.  Thanks for confirming, its solid fibreglass Ron. Ill post next spring and let you know if that did the trick. 

Gary, thanks for your response.  Can anyone confirm that the hull below the waterline line is a solid Fibre glass? 
I believe i have read that somewhere. If it has a wood core im going , to haul the boat and deal with the issue right away.  If not ill wait till fall to haul out and start grinding.

Hello Everyone,

After this years launch I noticed some water forward and aft of the rudder stock/shaft in the lower indents on of the hull.   Right where the rudder skeg is.  I see that some others have had similar issues, but im still unsure what to do... Last year I found a crack along the skeg, on the outside of the hull just forward of the rudder.  I put some west systems epoxy along the crack.  I can see a drip build up approx. every 45 secs. just on the very aft part of the skeg where it joins the rudder stock/shaft.  I believe the water is coming from somewhere higher and the drip builds and final drips at that location. Also water pools rear of the rudder shaft in the indentation.  I know the water is not coming from the rudder packing gland, I have already tightened those bolts.  Very hard to tell the exact location of the leak because of the access. Water tank in the way.

Any recommendations?  Whats the fix?  Do I put the boat on the hard and deal with it right away? Or is this something that could wait till the fall?

Hi Michael,

I just realized I have the same problem with standing water aft and forward of the rudder stock. Did you ever find where the water was coming from? Did you fix the problem?
I saw water dripping forward if the rudder stock, it was just below where the rudder stock meets the hull.
Stu & Ron thanks for the quick response, really appreciate it!  Just became a member so ill look at the 99 notes.  Thanks again. 
Main Message Board / Fuel and oil leak at injector
July 23, 2014, 05:37:48 PM
I have fuel/oil leaking at the injector going into the block.  Should I just try and tighten the injector? Looked at the schematics online, looks like there is a gasket. Should I replace that?  Anyone have experience working on the injectors?

Main Message Board / Re: Fuel filter change
July 17, 2014, 05:30:49 AM
Beauty thanks for your help.!
Main Message Board / Re: Coolant Flush
July 17, 2014, 05:29:38 AM
Thanks for all your help. Will try blowing it out!
Main Message Board / Re: Fuel filter change
July 16, 2014, 06:18:58 AM
What part of the critical upgrades should I look at pertaining to this post?   Wiring harness? My hull number is 1654, from what I have read I don't need the new harness correct?  Sorry if I seem a little slow, just got the boat.

Main Message Board / Re: Coolant Flush
July 16, 2014, 05:52:34 AM
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the response. Ya ,I have the M35B with a coolant reservoir. Any tips on how to drain the coolant/ water from the water heater hoses.?  Flushed old coolant out with a garden hose. Now I need to get that water out of those hoses.  Couldn't find any hose connections on the hot water heater itself.  
Main Message Board / Re: Coolant Flush
July 16, 2014, 04:10:05 AM
Hi Stu,
Thanks for the quick response.  I have looked at the hot water heater and cant fine where I could disconnect the hose. To me it looks like one continuous hose attached up at the thermostate.  Any suggestions?

Main Message Board / Re: Fuel filter change
July 15, 2014, 07:27:22 PM
I cant locate the bleeder knob on the filter or the knurled bleeder knob.  Can you please post a picture.  Thanks!
Main Message Board / Coolant Flush
July 15, 2014, 07:05:50 PM
Im a new owner of the catalina 34. And never have had a heat exchanger.  Sorry if this seems really basic question...  Anyways I have done a coolant flush. To get the old coolant out of the hose that runs through the hot water heater, I connected a garden hose and flushed the coolant with fresh water.  Now I would like to flush that fresh water out, before I add the coolant and "burp" the air out of the system.  Is it easiest to get the water out when I bleed the air?  I have read how to bleed the system on the forum.  Still kind of confused. 