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Messages - boatergirl

Hi Kent and Jane,

I was looking for a part on here and saw and recognized your names.  I and my friend Tom are also on a Catalina 34.  We bought it March, came to get it in Fort Lauderdale in April and have made our way up the ICW since then, often stopping to do repairs and down time.  Our blog is at

I pulled down the hatch above the salon, using the same motion I would for the aft hatch and broke it.  Now looking for a new /replacement 16x 16 hatch!   Gonna be expensive.
Yes, I've been thinking of getting a bar stool for behind the wheel.  Don't like sitting so low and so mostly stand..

We don't plan to do the loop, just go up the coast a ways to see how we like it.   So far, so good.

Anyway, hello,

Nancy Varvil