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Messages - badams

Main Message Board / Re: Honda Generator Grounding
January 28, 2011, 11:13:54 AM

I am sure you answered my question in the above referenced thread, but just to be sure: do you advise that grounding the generator to the boat is not necessary? 

I confess that even though I have an engineering background, electrical related discussions on this forum are often over my head.

Thanks for your patience.
Main Message Board / Re: Honda Generator Grounding
January 28, 2011, 10:33:17 AM
Sorry if my question is confusing.  I have read someone mention running a grounding wire from the gen to the engine block.  Of course now I can't find it again.  I am planning to buy one soon, and just want to be sure I operate it safely.
Main Message Board / Honda Generator Grounding
January 28, 2011, 09:07:12 AM
I've read everything on the forum several times about using the honda generator.  There is only a little discussion of grounding.  I am curious.  Does everyone who uses the generator ground?  What are different ways that people do it.  What are the risks of not doing so?
Sounds like a scupper drain hose is uncoupled or leaking?  Could be a cockpit or a deck drain.
I have the Rocna 15 on the toy roller.  Works well.  Steve, what are you using as a back up, and where is it?
Main Message Board / Re: Aft Bunk Makeover
March 09, 2009, 07:03:01 AM
We have yet to try the long term thing, but what works best for us is kids in the v-berth at night, and we sleep in the Main salon, it is the most ventilated.  We keep the table down with cushion on at all times except for meals.  It makes the salon much more comfortable and spacious feeling.  If you could rig a good removable mattress topper for the main (removing the cushions around the side makes it significantly wider and longer for sleeping), you might be able to have your cake and eat it too.