Nicro Solar Fans

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I'd be interested in hearing the experience of others who have used this product.  Particularly regarding placement i.e. on the opening hatch or deck.


:) I had one on my Cat30 for about 5 years.  It was great and kept my interior smelling fresh.  The only thing I had to do was replace the rechargable battery after about 3+ years.

I'm probably going to mount one on my Cat34 when I figure where to put it.

Ted Pounds

:)  I have one of the older model C34's which came with two solar fans, one in the head and one in the aft cabin.  I replaced them with the new Nicro fans that have the batteries.  I love them because they're running all the time and keep the boat fresh, especially the head.  If you have the little hatch in your head you might consider mounting one in the hatch.  I think they're better than just the hatch because the hatch only ventilates when you can leave it open.

Ted Pounds
"Molly Rose"
1987 #447



When you say you have the hatch above the V-berth, is it located on the hatch or deck?  I'm debating whether to go to the trouble of drilling such a hole on the deck... the hatch can always be replaced if I find it leaks or doesn't work well.


Ron -

One of the best mods you've made?  Sounds like the makings of a Tech Notes article!  :-)



I had them on my C27 and it worked fairly well.  Just needed to replace the batteries every few years.  The boat could have used two, one in and one out, although I never got a chance to install a second.  

I have noticed that there is no ventilation in my mkII while I am away and was also considering how to add it.  I thought about adding the Nicro vents to the little hatches over the aft cabin and head but wonder if the dodger will limit the amount of sunlight to the solar cells. I would consider adding one to the main salon hatch, but would one on the forward hatch get stepped on or kicked too easily?  It would be better than adding it to the deck though. Right now I am experimenting with leaving the little hatches in the "vent" position while I am away for some ventilation.  They shouldn't get too much rain under the dodger.  I leave the doors to the head and aft cabin cracked open with a set of 4" latches, so I am hoping for some air flow.

If you install them, I would be curious to see how you did it.  Keep us updated.

Brian Reed
1997 C34 mkII "Ambitious"
Solomons, MD
Brian Reed
1997 C34 mkII "Ambitious"
St. Mary's River, MD


I also leave the little hatches open, locked on the first notch.  I never see any evidence of rain.  Also, I leave the head and aft cabin doors fully open for ventilation.  I've been thinking about adding a Nicro fan, putting it in the salon hatch, but haven't been able to get the nerve to do it.  I always wondered if the light which comes from that hatch would be greatly reduced due to the solar vent.

Roc - "Sea Life" 2000 MKII #1477.  Annapolis, MD


In order to prevent moisture and foul oders I do the following:  I use a electric dehumidifier that I place on the galley and drains directly into the sink (I leave this thruhull open).  I have a ozonator in the aft cabin and I leave all the doors open (little access doors to the engine area, doors for the hanging lockers).  I also open the floor board to the bildge area open.  All the hatches stay closed to keep the spiders and dust out.  Obviously this is great when not anchored out.  I know this is overkill but that's what I do currently and have been doing on several other boats since 1989.  I've never had a mildew or odor problem, so I know it works but maybe there's any easier way.

Ted Pounds


My Nicro Day/Night vents are located where you have your little hatches which is also under my dodger.  My dodger has windows all the way around and the vents get more than enough sun to run continuiosly.  I have them both set to exhaust so air comes in through the cowl vents in front of the traveller.

Ted Pounds
"Molly Rose"
1987 #447


I have a dodger and the dodger has sunbrella cloth that protects the vinyl windows.  As a consequence, I don't get enough sunlight to provide adequate power to the Nicro solar vent over the aft cabin.  However, the dodger protects the hatch over the head so I can leave it all the way open.  Nobody sees it from the dock.  It's too small for an adult to go through and any rain that falls (there isn't much) lands on the head floor to be removed by the shower drain pump. I also open the access doors in the head to the engine compartment and under the sink and leave the head door open.  Seems to work ok for me in Chicago.

Phill Klein
Andiamo #977
Montrose Harbor - Chicago