Autohelm 4000 bad failure mode

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I had two pins in my ST4000 break in a 300 mile offshore race.  When I got back home I did what Ken Juul suggested - drilled out the rollers and fastened them to the back of the ST4000 wheel drive with S/S bolts.  Its held nicely ever since. 

FYI - Raymarine has told me that the ST4000 was not very well designed/built and was not designed for heavy winds/seas.  If and when I replace my AP I am thinking about a below deck model.
Sundowner III
Catalina 34 Mk II Hull 1494 (Built 2000)
Toronto, CANADA


Does anyone know where I could get a new drive lever. Can't find one anywhere and the little vice grips I use to engage the gear is not very seamanly.
There is NOTHING--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.    Kenneth Grahame