looking for cradle

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Gene Regan

Hi again from new jersey,
I'm looking fo a cradle for 88 34, would be intereted if any one has usedone for sale near NJ.
or if anyone can direct me to someone whosells them or makes them, i bought #713 and none was with it.
thanks a bunch
Gene Regan

gene regan


Cradles have several inherent problems beginning with storage during the off season and ending with storage during the off season.  Poppets work as well or better and have no storage problem.  Apparently the prior owner had no need of a cradle or one would have come with the boat.  I let the boat yard prop the boat on poppets and pay a miniscule fee for the use of their equipment.
Jim Kane


I had a welder from Cape May build one for me when I bought the boat.  Cost about $1200.  Really heavy duty and hard to move.  The marina keeps it for me during the season.  Down here they frown on stands [not allowed].  There is ads in magazines from Jowi which will build one that comes apart.