Link 10 battery monitor

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Terry Forshier

I have a link 10 battery monitor on my 34. Last week one of the grandkids unhooked the battery charger from the boat and after a few days the battery drained because the refrigerator and some other things were left on. I plugged back in and recharged the bateries. (I have 2 105 AH west marine AGM batteries for the house) Here is the problem. Although the voltage reads properly ON THE MONITOR the little led lights indicating the battery banks capacity (fullness) will show empty. (this happens when I try and reset the monitor. It will indicate full showing all 4 lights green and then slowly, over about 15 MINUTES will fade out to flashing red which is the indicator the battery is dead) Checking the batteries I see they still show 12.8 to 13. I tried charging them up more but still the monitor shows a negative number under amp hours and amps. I tried emailing Xantrex since they now make the unit under their name, but they did not respond. Anyone out there use this and have this problem? Any ideas would be appreciated. Terry in NAPLES

Ron Hill

Terry : If the fridge and "some other things" added up to 5 amps/hr, simple math says that the batteries would be flat "0" in 42hours (or just under 2 days). 
I'd suggest that you take the batteries to a battery shop and have a "load health check" made on them.  It is conceivable and most likely that they are shot.  They may show a 100% charge after recharging, but let them sit for a couple of hours after charging and they may not show that same percentage. 
The Link 10 is monitor and measuring instrument.  I'll guess that it's telling you what it's seeing in the batteries after the "surface charge" has dissipated.
Another reason for not leaving that fridge ON and simply stopping by 7/11 and picking up a cold 6 pack instead!!   
Ron, Apache #788