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Do the screens for a Mk II fit on a MkI?  I have a set of screens that I have never used for my MkII for sale but I wouldn't want to sell them to a MK I owner if they didn't fit.  I've heard they are different but don't know for sure.
Cat34 Mk II True Luff #1582  2001
San Pedro, CA (Port of Los Angeles)

John Langford

The Lewmar port screens are so hopeless that I wouldn't have thought that selling them was even an option. I recommend recycling them to protect the sanity of unsuspecting users.
Ranger Tug, 29S

Jim Price

Mark I and Mark II are differnet sizesd and screens are will not work.  As far as usefulness, I have them on my 1991 Mark I and have never had any problems.  I think I just got lucky.
Jim Price
"LADY DI", 1119
Lake Lanier, GA


They alll fit properly.  I wonder what the problems are??
Cat34 Mk II True Luff #1582  2001
San Pedro, CA (Port of Los Angeles)