roller furler

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Ed Shankle

I'm looking for opinions everyone; Big fire at my marina a week and a half ago. Incredibly, there was no damage to the boats in storage in the yard.
Unforunately, my roller furler was in the building, as I was having the stays replaced this year. So, I need to get a new one and would like to hear your thoughts about the models that you have experience with. I had the Hood SL that I converted from the continuous line 2 seasons ago, so I'd like to hear about others.
Looking forward to your comments.
Ed Shankle
Tail Wind #866 1989 m25xp
Salem, MA

Stu Jackson

Hi, Ed, sorry to hear about your loss.

Having had some experience here on the board, I recommend that you start here: from a search on ProFurl (spelled that way without spaces)  A search on CDI finds:

While the actual subject title of the first reference isn't yours, there's a lot of discussion on this particular thread about different systems, and some recommendations for other places to look, both in that thread and for additional searches.

As far as "new" stuff is concerned, and to avoid saying this has been discussed before because your question is new, I can happily report that we only had one "issue" with our ProFurl in the four or five years we have had it.  (Once the Allen head nuts on the foil were properly tightened because the original rigger didn't use Locktite!)  The head swivel got stuck up on the foil.  It turned out that there are two parts to the ProFurl head swivel (which BTW is the only system that doesn't require a halyard restrainer).  The inner part stays on the foil and swivels, and the outer part stays put with the bar behind the Darth Vader top fitting.  There's another Allen head screw holding the two parts together.  The screw ended up getting bent sideways, locking the two pieces and making it impossible without a crewman going aloft, to get it down.  Once we did, we reamed out the old sideways screw, bought a tap set at Ace Hardware and installed a new larger screw.  Been holding up fine for over a year now.  Also need to keep the halyard up to keep the bar behind the Darth Vader halyard holder.  I had noted recently that we don't bring our jib halyard back to the cockpit, leaving it on a cleat on the mast.  Here's that conversation between Jon Schneider and me, scroll down to #7:

I'm very happy with our ProFurl LCI 32 system.

Another new input comes from Jim Moe, who reported to me his experiences at the Chicago boat show last week: 

"My old Hood Sea Furl is on its last legs due both to poor design and old age.  Consequently finding an appropriate new one with a combination of technical perfection and lowest cost was top on my list.  After looking at many and more or less settling on one, I happened by the Hood Yacht Systems booth.  The guy in the booth gave me the usual pitch and I told him why I really wouldn't consider another Hood product.  He countered with all they'd done to rectify the endemic problems and, since he was the owner of the company, he wanted to restore the Hood name which he realized had slipped badly in confidence.  The upshot was an offer for a "replacement" for half price ($970) for a unit which now looks like a winner."

All the best,
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Jeff Kaplan

ed, your place burns, my place blew up, no damage ,thankfully. unbelievable. any way, back in '02, the po replaced the original furling system to a schaefer 2100. he didn't use the boat in '03 and i bought her in '04. by the records, it coat him about $2,975 to buy and have installed. i don't know if that was good or not,but i got a new furling system and i will say it is great. easy to let out and roll in. reefed many a time out in  the sound and very smooth. on my old c27 i have a furlex and the schaefer blows it away. line size is 7/16 or 1/2. nice pull. look into this one and also call kevin at north east rigging to see what he recommends. he's in the yard all the time. i'm waiting for my new garhauer traveler to arrive. good luck...jeff
#219, 1986 tall rig/shallow draft. "sedona sunset" atlantic-salem,ma

Ron Hill

Ed : I replaced my furling system (the old 915 then the seafurl drum) to a Hood 818(#?) last year.  It was more than half the price of the Schaefer and works just as well.  Think I paid about $1600 including shipping! 
Wasn't that hard to assemble and install.  If you haven't replaced your head stay, now is the time to do it.
Ron, Apache #788

Ed Shankle

Thanks for the info. With the Boat Show coming up in Boston, I'll have an opportunity to do some shopping. Plus, the yard manager is already working on a quote for ProFurl.
Jeff, I think we are talking about the same event, unless you winter somewhere else. We both are at Hawthorne Cove.
Ron, that's why the furler was in the building to begin with. I decided to do the rigging replacement this year after reading all the advice about when to replace it. Great timing, huh?

Ed Shankle
Tail Wind #866 1989 m25xp
Salem, MA

Jeff Kaplan

ed, no my boat is at liberty marina for winter, that is where chemical plant blew up. see kevin from  n.e.rigging at the boat show to check his pricing, probably sells same product and others...jeff
#219, 1986 tall rig/shallow draft. "sedona sunset" atlantic-salem,ma

dave davis

All I have to report is that I have the same HARKEN split drum furler on since 1988(19 years) and I have never had a problem with the unit. The only problem many years ago I got the halyard wrap because I did not have a halyard restrainer. Thats pretty darn Good and it looks like new since I have been using Miracle Cloth to protect the stainless. The split drum is real handy if you are a racer and a cruiser
Dave Davis San Francisco, 707, Wind Dragon, 1988, South Beach