Drawer under V-Berth

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Has anyone had experience in replacing the support system for the drawer under the V-Berth?

Ours is a 1986 Catalina 34.


My boat, 1988, hull 617 is near the same age as your boat so the same approach would likely work.

I added support for the drawer frame by putting short 1x2 pieces of wood from the forward ends of the sides of the frame down to the hull with the ends fibreglassed to the hull.  Roughen the hull first and use some filler to get the initial bond and fill out the corners to a fillet.  Then add a few layers of fibreglass.

Larry Calfee

We bought Top Priority two years ago.  We were unhappy with the drawer under the V berth as it appeared to have been broken a number of times and patched.  I removed he drawer front from the rest of the drawer and housing and converted it to a door by putting on hinges.  We now get more good out of he access to the storage under the berth through this door than we did from the drawer.