Reefing lines rigged aft to cockpit?

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I"m currently looking to purchase a C34, 1990s or late 1980s. I haven't been able to find what year they started running the reef line aft to the cockpit so you can reef without going on deck. If anyone knows, that would be great. If you don't know - reply with your year and how yours is rigged (maybe we'll see a pattern then...).

Also - what is involved with re-rigging it to the cockpit if it isn't already that way. Other boat's I've seen have the pulley/block in the boom?

(note - after doing a search, I have found information on others who have discussed this modification and how they did it - if you haven't posted your solution yet and it differs from what others have done, the information would be interesting to add to the forum.)


Jon Arck - Past C34IA Commodore

Tweetybird, our 1997 C34 Mk II (#1346) has both reefing lines led back to the cockpit.

To find out the year that this started, why not contact Catalina Customer Service (818-884-7700 -- CA, or 727-544-6681 -- FL)?

Even if you use single-line reefing, the friction of the reefing lines going across and through the sail at the luff and clew can be significant and make reefing difficult; adding small blocks at the fore and aft reefing cringles (secure by linking the block's shackle through a stainless steel ring on the other side of the cringle) reduces the friction, since the lines no longer have to cross-over through the sail.  If it's easier to reef, you'll do it more often and won't wait as long to do it.


Stephen Butler

Our 1990, # 1023 has the reefing line at the mast.  As suggested, a new reefing system is on our to-do list, with blocks and leads to the cockpit.  We reef often and the current friction and having to go forward is a bit much.  Hope this is a help.
Steve & Nancy
Wildflecken II
1990, #1023

Stu Jackson

I wrote a detailed description of our reeefing setup in the November 2004 Vol 22   #4 Tech Notes.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


I read one description along with pictures in the forum archive although I don't think it was yours. As I am not an owner yet (still looking to purchase), I can't get into that part of the site to see your write up. I'm sure when I find and purchae the right C34 for me I'll join and get access to the wealth of infomation there. For now, I'm simply trying to learn and understand what is in front of me when I make my eventual choice. I'd love to see the write up on how you did it if you cared to email it to me ( or otherwise I'm sure I'll eventuall see it and plenty more once I find my boat :D

Stu Jackson

Philippe - The article has been sent as a zip file to your email.  Enjoy.   :thumb:

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Jon Arck - Past C34IA Commodore

Truly, a Prince among men (and I should know)!