A-B Coldmachine

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Arnold & Suzanne Robart

The A-B Coldmachine on our '94 when running works very well; however, it has developed a bad habit of occasionally not automatically re-starting.  Not good with a lot of frozen meat onboard.   I have to switch the breaker on the main panel off and on to get it going again which works every time.   The thermostat seems to be working ok and at a reefer mechanic's suggestion I replaced the main panel circuit breaker - no difference.  The compressor is under the cockpit and has a good supply of cool air.  Any ideas?

Arnold Robart
#1279 'Ten Times'

Stu Jackson


Three possibilities

1.  the fan isn't working - easily and inexpensively replaceable

2.  the module is "having troubles" - either needs a more qualified mechanic than you seem to have or it (and he) needs to be replaced -  replacement electronic modules aren't cheap, but I don't think that's your problem.

3.  wiring connections are loose somewhere - that's what I'd check first, and it's also the least expensive.  If the unit wasn't popping breakers, I don't understand why your guy recommended changing it (it should be 10A, not 15A anyway - see earlier Mainsheet articles).  Your "reefer mechanic" leaves a lot to be desired if he charged you for something not physically on the unit that didn't even fix the problem.

Check the wiring connections at the unit.  They may look good, but take them off, maybe cut back another inch of insulation for new clean wiring.  Remove and clean the fuse on the unit, consider replacing it.  Check the voltage at the unit.  Is it 12?  If it's not, but is still more than 0, you need to check the entire wiring run.  Check the wiring at the panel, too.  And, last, but not least, check the ground, not only the black wire for your AB unit, but the boat's system ground on the engine.

Others will no doubt chime in to check your refrigerant charge, but that doesn't seem to be a symptom in your case.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


Since a power cycle fixes the problem and the motor starts again, I would differ from Stu and suggest that the control box is your problem.   The power cycle reset everything – control box and motor.  Since the control box has more smarts than the motor, it is more likely to get in some bad state that is cleared by a power cycle.

Ron Hill

Arnold : If the previous suggestions don't work, call the WAECO 860-664-4911 people (they make the AdlerBarbour).  Ask them for the address/tel# of the local AB authorized repairman.

I wrote a Mainsheet article on this repair.  When the AB guy arrives, he knows the system and has most of the parts in his truck.  Otherwise you can screw around with some local reffer repair, spend $$ and get nowhere.

A thought  :wink:
Ron, Apache #788