Check those lifelines!

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Last week I decided to snug up my lifelines. For adjustment I have closed-body turnbuckles with locking nuts at the bow, but I found that the locking nuts were more than locked; they were thoroughly corroded into place. I applied some liquid wrench, gave it some time, and went back to try again. With a shockingly small amount of wrench force, the first one I tried broke apart right at the turnbuckle body (the threaded stud broke).

I can't say how old the lifelines are on Calico; she's a 1988 I bought in 2003. Rather than trusting my safety to the remaining three I'll be replacing them all. Quote from Defender is $540 plus shipping.

So... how are YOUR lifelines?

Tim Strand
Calico #572
Santa Barbara, CA

Ron Hill

Tim : If you think the lifelines are "scary", consider the 1988 standing rigging!!!
I plan on using the old 1/19 rigging wire as my new lifelines.  Nice, as there will be no white coating to keep clean!! 
A thought.   :wink:
Ron, Apache #788

Paul Blumenfeld


Have you checked the price with Catalina?  They gave me a price of $585 for all standing rigging.  I
would think lifelines would be less.

Ali'ikai #312
Channel Islands, CA


Yup, I'm also considering using the old standing rigging for lifelines. Nice clean look, saves a little money on the wire, allows me to buy another tool (crimper), and forces me to replace my standing rigging (also unknown age, but probably original).

I'll check with Catalina. Standing rigging for $585 is a bargain.

Tim Strand
Calico #572
Santa Barbara, CA


I talked to Catalina Parts today. Their price for lifelines is $313.20. If I did it myself using my old standing rigging (1x19 1/4" lowers) I'd spend more than that on fittings, so my choice is easy.

I also asked about standing rigging and got about the same number as Paul (thanks for the tip!). That's very cheap compared to the other options I've considered. I guess they're passing along their discount on hardware.

For either project you have to send all rigging at once and they duplicate it. I couldn't get the guy to agree to do the standing rigging in two batches, which would make my life easier.

Tim Strand
Calico #572
Santa Barbara, CA