MainSail for Sale

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dave davis, Wind Dragon-7

:)I have a used main that is still very competitive and has prooven itself over the years to be a winner of many races. National Champion, YRA, Interclub and others. Standard rig, flatener reef, standard reef, and shelf.
8 years old but in good shape, slightly tired. A bargain at $550. I'll pay the shipping. :rolleyes:

Andy Miller

This message board post certainly seems to get more views than the market place posting, so I'll submit my reply here as well...maybe the bidding action will heat up a little??

Hi Dave, two days (now a week!) and no posted replies yet...well, I'll start the bidding at $350 and come and pick it up in person! If nobody else bites, please keep me in mind...anything to help against Stu next year  :D

dave davis

Hi Andy, I posted this on the marketplace but I'll repeat it here. Let's split the difference and go for $ 450. I would be willing to spend some time with you to make sure it fits just right.
Since Stu has been getting much better in the recent series, it will take this main to catch him.Dave
Dave Davis San Francisco, 707, Wind Dragon, 1988, South Beach