Lifeline cleaning

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This last weekend I was out at my boat and a fellow c34 owner suggested that I try Simple green a scrubbing two sided sponge (yellow and green ones) and follow it up with armor all which has a UV inhibitor in it. This seemed to work very well. I will monitor how well the armor all works an follow up.


Try Flitz for metal then follow up with flitz wax.  If they are real bad Acetone then the Flitz then the wax. :D

yachta yachta yachta
Paul & Lynn Erb
Yachta Yachta Yachta
C34 2003 #1634
Rotonda West, FL 33947


For 17 seasons, I've used Soft Scrub w/Bleach on an wool scrub pad.

The next life lines will NOT be vinyl covered.  All the vinyl does is make more work and hold the salt/corrosion inside it's jacket.  Your shrouds aren't vinyl covered, so why the life line.  You can also go to the next size up (STRONGER!!) without the vinyl covering.  :!: