How to make a Docking Stick Knock-Off

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DIY Docking Stick


I watch every docking video I can find. We all know why. Good technique combined with lots of practice is, of course, the solution to each docking situation. But, there’s also the gizmos.

One gizmo that strikes me as simple and sensible is the Docking Stick. And, it looks oh so copy-able. After noodling around with a prototype for a couple of hours, I was able to make 4 Docking Stick knock-offs (hereinafter, “sticks”) in under 48 minutes and $10.00. My kind of project!

After a summer’s use, I can report that the sticks work great. Even the Admiral, always a cautious adaptor of my projects, allows that they work fine. We don’t use them for every docking. But, they’re great for getting a line onshore when the wind is blowing off the dock and for hooking a spring line when entering a transient slip without help. We keep one docking line permanently rigged with the stick in the cockpit locker and pull it out when needed.

The Original

For those who do not know what a Docking Stick is, here is the company's website. There you can link to their product videos showing the Docking Stick in action.

The Sticks

Making Sticks

A Materials List and Construction Instructions to make four sticks follow. Before starting, be sure to read through the Construction Tips and Notes, especially those about cutting the Poly Pipe. They concern SAFETY!


Item Qty. Cost Source
5/32 dia. – 1/18”-1/4” aluminum rivets 20 2.49 Ace Hardware
¾” dia. PVC 10 ft. 1.73 Home Depot
1” dia. Poly Pipe 2 ft. .67 Home Depot
¼” x 1” course nylon hex bolts w/nuts 4 .71 Home Depot
1” dia. Wooden dowel 4 ft. 3.98 Home Depot
Total Cost 9.58


  • Chop saw
  • Table saw
  • Drill press with tubing jig
  • 5/32" drill bit
  • 3/16" drill bit
  • 1/4" tap