Leaking Oil

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So here's my update.  The end of the week got busy for me so I wasn't able to get back to the boat.  My son was sailing in an Opti regatta today and we decided to take our boat to see him on the water.  The regatta was about 10nm from our mooring and of course the wind was directly in our face.  Decided to motor against a pretty strong (20 knot) headwind.  After 15 minutes or so I asked the Admiral to take the wheel so I could go check the engine.  I opened up the side inspection door ready to see the oil streaming down my starter - and nothing! Not a speck.  Waited another 30 minutes or so and checked again, and still nothing.  In total, motored for close to 2 hours to the regatta.  Was able to sail back but motored the last 20 minutes or so to our mooring.  After picking up our mooring, I took the stairs apart to get a full view of the engine.  No sign of an oil stream.  There was a very small (maybe 2 inch by 2 inch) oil speck under the engine, but nowhere near what I had been having before.

The only thing I can guess is that the oil switch was the problem and that there was some oil left on the engine from the leak.  When I first started it and the engine warmed up, it streamed down.  Any other thoughts?  All I know is that I motored at least 3 hours today with virtually no sign of a problem so I am happy!!!

1990 C34 #1040
M 25XP


R U saying you did or didn't attempt to clean up old oil trace after changing the switch?
Your assessment seems reasonable.  Possible some leakage when switching the switch, so to speak. 🤓
Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain